Create a generic transaction group.
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
feePayer | string | The address of the account that is paying the fee. |
feeAsset | string | The asset in which the fee is being paid. |
txns | Array<TxnObject> | Array containing the description of each transaction to be sent. |
Each txnObject must have one of the following forms.
Name | Type | Description |
type | "assetTransfer" | Field indicating that this txnObject describes an asset transfer. |
from | string | The address of the account that is sending the funds. |
to | string | The address of the account that is receiving the funds. |
asset | string |number | The ID of the asset that is being sent. Can be either a string (i.e. USDD, EURD) or a number (i.e. 51987792, 51987793). |
amount | number | The amount that is being sent. |
closeTo | string | OPTIONAL. If set, after sending the funds to the to account, sends the rest of the remaining funds to the closeTo account. |
Name | Type | Description |
type | "algoTransfer" | Field indicating that this txnObject describes an ALGO transfer. |
from | string | The address of the account that is sending the funds. |
to | string | The address of the account that is receiving the funds. |
amount | number | The amount that is being sent. |
closeTo | string | OPTIONAL. If set, after sending the funds to the to account, sends the rest of the remaining funds to the closeTo account. |
Name | Type | Description |
type | "applicationCall" | Field indicating that this txnObject describes an application call. |
from | string | The address of the account that is calling the application. |
app | string | The ID of the application that is being called. |
onComplete | "NoOp" |"OptIn" |"CloseOut" |"Update" |"Delete" | OPTIONAL. Describes the action that must be done after the call execution. By default is set to "NoOp" . |
args | Array<string |number> | OPTIONAL. The arguments that must be passed to the application. By default is set to the empty list. |
accounts | Array<string> | OPTIONAL. A list of accounts that this application call will have access to. |
assets | Array<number> | OPTIONAL. A list of assets that this application call will have access to. |
applications | Array<number> | OPTIONAL. A list of applications that this application call will have access to. |
approvalProgram | string | OPTIONAL. Must be set if the onComplete field is set to update . Must be equal to the new approval program, encoded in base64. |
clearProgram | string | OPTIONAL. Must be set if the onComplete field is set to update . Must be equal to the new clear program, encoded in base64. |
maxSubTxns | number | OPTIONAL. If the contract that is being called needs to call other contracts, this value must be set to the maximum number of sub calls that the contract can make. |
Name | Type | Description |
type | "applicationCreate" | Field indicating that this txnObject describes the creation of a new application. |
from | string | The address of the account that is creating the application. |
approvalProgram | string | The approval program of the contract, encoded in base64. |
clearProgram | string | The clear program of the contract, encoded in base64. |
globalInts | number | The number of uint64s that the global storage is composed of. |
globalByteSlices | number | The number of byte strings that the global storage is composed of. |
localInts | number | The number of uint64s that each local storage is composed of. |
localByteSlices | number | The number of byte strings that each local storage is composed of. |
extraPages | number | The number of extra 2kb pages that the application requires. |
onComplete | "NoOp" |"OptIn" |"CloseOut" |"Update" |"Delete" | OPTIONAL. Describes the action that must be done after the call execution. By default is set to "NoOp" . |
args | Array<string |number> | OPTIONAL. The arguments that must be passed to the application. By default is set to the empty list. |
accounts | Array<string> | OPTIONAL. A list of accounts that this application call will have access to. |
assets | Array<number> | OPTIONAL. A list of assets that this application call will have access to. |
applications | Array<number> | OPTIONAL. A list of applications that this application call will have access to. |
maxSubTxns | number | OPTIONAL. If the contract that is being called needs to call other contracts, this value must be set to the maximum number of sub calls that the contract can make. |
Name | Type | Description |
type | "raw" | Field indicating that this is a raw txnObject. |
txn | string | The Algorand txn object encoded in base64. |
Regular response
Name | Type | Description |
txns | Array<{txn:string, signers:string[]}> | Array of objects each containing a transaction (in msgpack) and an array of signers (a list of addresses of the accounts that must sign the transaction). Transactions with an empty signers array shall not be signed. |
info | {fee:number} | An object containing fee , the amount of DeCash that is being spent on fees in this transaction. (e.g. 1.05 USDD) |
Validation errors
Returned when the parameters are invalid.
Name | Content |
Status code | 400 |
message | Validation errors in CreateTransactionGroup request. |
errors | Array of strings containing additional informations. |
Example Usage
const response = await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
'feeAsset': 'USDD',
'txns': [
'type': 'assetTransfer',
'amount': 12.99,
'asset': 'USDD',
}, {
'type': 'applicationCall',
'app': 1337,
'args': ['stake'],
const data = await response.json();
Example Success Response
"txns": [
"txn": "iqRhcGFhlMQEdmdlbsQBWMQBWMQBWKRhcGlkzgQ7lWCjZmVlzQ+gomZ2zgFK5j6jZ2VurHRlc3RuZXQtdjEuMKJnaMQgSGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiKjZ3JwxCB+X/1xrzIH1pNbuFQEL619bPx/dbYaqFrg13nlZVV7Y6Jsds4BSuomo3NuZMQgnu6hJOJLh9rTBj7efGmBjFWHYA8DKF4VJ/IzOYImWD2kdHlwZaRhcHBs",
"signers": []
}, {
"txn": "iqRhYW10FKRhcmN2xCBr5CIUPJMmRSusjz6sT4DqcqoKtw1E03+tlgl8zDXHj6Jmds4BSuY+o2dlbqx0ZXN0bmV0LXYxLjCiZ2jEIEhjtRiks8hOyBDyLU8QgcsPcfBZp6wg3sYvf3DlCToio2dycMQgfl/9ca8yB9aTW7hUBC+tfWz8f3W2Gqha4Nd55WVVe2OibHbOAUrqJqNzbmTEIF31eqX/L2cKuT4a+NfHsT//chu0l/1l/WhK/ut7D7japHR5cGWlYXhmZXKkeGFpZM4DGUVQ",
}, {
"txn": "iqRhYW10zQUTpGFyY3bEIMLFj8iauHHdEY5AcgZecrvLWpBIg49QosiOs9bPUFrbomZ2zgFK5j6jZ2VurHRlc3RuZXQtdjEuMKJnaMQgSGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiKjZ3JwxCB+X/1xrzIH1pNbuFQEL619bPx/dbYaqFrg13nlZVV7Y6Jsds4BSuomo3NuZMQgXfV6pf8vZwq5Phr418exP/9yG7SX/WX9aEr+63sPuNqkdHlwZaVheGZlcqR4YWlkzgMZRVA=",
}, {
"txn": "iaRhcGFhkcQFc3Rha2WkYXBpZM0FOaJmds4BSuY+o2dlbqx0ZXN0bmV0LXYxLjCiZ2jEIEhjtRiks8hOyBDyLU8QgcsPcfBZp6wg3sYvf3DlCToio2dycMQgfl/9ca8yB9aTW7hUBC+tfWz8f3W2Gqha4Nd55WVVe2OibHbOAUrqJqNzbmTEIF31eqX/L2cKuT4a+NfHsT//chu0l/1l/WhK/ut7D7japHR5cGWkYXBwbA==",
"info": { "asaFee": 0.2 }